Ceylon Spices

Ceylon Spices


Species 01 -  Vanilla fragrans 

Species 02 - Vanilla planifolia

Family - Ochidaceae 

Vanilla, a flowering orchid vine native to Mexico. Although it’s native to 
Mexico, now it’s widely grown throughout the tropics. Madagascar and Tahiti are 
the world’s largest producers. The vanilla orchid flower itself is scentless. 
When harvested, vanilla beans are green, odorless and flavorless. It takes 
months of curing, fermenting and drying to produce the dark brown, nearly black 
color and characteristic fragrance. This true vanilla requires extensive 
hand-processing, and is therefore expensive. The distilled oil of the bean is 
known either as vanillin or vanilla extract. It is also sold powdered or by the 
whole pod, which are used to infuse flavor into many dishes.


Agronomic Requirements for cultivation 

Vanilla can be grown up to an elevation of 3000 m above sea level, in areas 
where temperature is between 210C to 320C with frequent rains. 2000 mm to 2500 
mm well distributed annual rainfall is preferable. Vanilla flourishes well with 
partial shades in well drained loamy soils

Recommended Verieties

Vanilla can be established by planting shoot cuttings. The length should be 3 
feet to 9 feet. About 3 leaves from the base must be removed and cuttings must be 
kept in a cool, shaded place for 5 to 6 days.

Vanilla being a climbing vine requires support for growing. These supports must 
be established atleast six months before cuttings are planted. Spacing of the 
pants is 8 feet x 5 feet. Planting should be undertaken when the 
weather is not too rainy or too dry. Single cutting is planted per support and 
basal end of the cutting should be kept just above the soil to prevent rotting. 
The growing end is gently tied to the support for climbing by the aerial roots.

Vanilla can also be planted as an intercrop with coconut and with several other 

Training and Flowering

Vines are allowed to grow upward up to a convenient height of about 5 feet, 
and then they must be trained downward along the support. Like this again and 
again vines has to coiled around the support as loops. If vines are only grown 
upward, it’ll rarely blossom. So it’s essential for blossoming.

Vines commence flowering in third year. Flowers must be artificial pollination 
by hand for fruit set. The ideal time for pollination is about 7.00 am to 11.00 


When immature, the pods are green in colour, and when mature yellowing commence 
from it’s far end. This is the optimum time for harvesting. Vanillin the final 
product of vanilla pod is produced after serious of artificial processing steps 
such as curing, fermenting and drying